The beginning of October has been busy for Conventures with events being held all over Boston.
One if by land, two if by sea. The Red Coats returned!
On October 6 and 7 British troops “invaded” Boston Common and marched through downtown Boston once again as actors and citizens re-enacted the encampment of the Red Coats. Conventures was there to help organize the parade of actors, the colonial military demonstrations, and the re-reading of historic documents such as the Riot Act. More than 200 volunteer re-enactors came out to “take sides” of this historic conflict. This event is one of many leading to the 250th anniversary of the signing of The Declaration of Independence in 2026.

It’s now 42 years of women running strong!
We were thrilled to bring on Reebok as our sponsor for the Reebok Boston 10K for Women. Early on a cloudy October 8 morning, thousands of women gathered in Boston Common for a day of strength, speed, and solidarity. Emily Sisson from Rhode Island broke free of Ethiopian rival Buze Diriba, at the three-mile mark, and never looked back. The 26-year-old won her second title at this event in a time of 30:39. Behind them, runners from across the nation and across the world celebrated their finish, including 11 women who have finished all 42 editions of this historic event.
For race times and results, click here.

New England Council Annual Dinner
In its annual celebration of hard work and excellence, the New England Council held its New Englander of The Year Awards with a dinner on October 11. The Conventures team organized all event logistics, from set-up and check-in to management of décor, programming, and venue. With more than 1,400 guests, the dinner is the largest annual event for The New England Council, as it hosted business owners, non-profit, and academic leaders from across New England at the Seaport World Trade Center.

A Better City holds Norman B. Leventhal Awards
Conventures helped its friends at A Better City host its Norman B. Leventhal awards on October 9 at the Boston Harbor Hotel. In memory of Leventhal, A Better City’s founder, these awards are given to those who make great contributions to the city in areas of transportation, land development, and the environment. Honorees this year include Robin Chase, Ronald Drucker, and Valerie Roberson.

Photo by Anthony Tieuli